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Argumentative essay topics

Argumentative essays are one of the most popular essay assignments among teachers. Argumentative essays are essays where the writer needs to show their point of view and then argue with appropriate evidences.

There are various argumentative essay topics. Once can surf the web to find some examples of argumentative essay topics, however, there are websites that help to find topics based on the keywords. is a website that can be of a great help to students who need help in finding good argumentative essay topics.

The website is very user friendly. One needs to make just several clicks to generate topics for his writing assignment. The first step is to know the topic you would like to write about. If the professor did not provide you with the topic, think about it. The topic must be based on a good evidence base. This way you will be able not only to argue but also to provide good evidences to support your point of view.

Once you are done with choosing your topic, detect the keywords of the topic. For example, you would like to write about guns possession, specifically if citizens should be permitted to have guns for self- protection. In this case the keyword would be a Gun. Our tool can be used to find great research paper topics as well.

Now that the key word is outlined, go ahead and type it into the Topic Keyword field. For Topic type choose Argumentative. As for the subject area, it is best fits Social Sciences subject area. This is because you are going to write about a concern in the society. And finally click on the Generate button and here you go! Any high-school, college or university student will benefit from using our tool to generate essay and research paper topics.

You can see a list of 25 topics you can choose from the one that best fits your assignment. Some of the good ones are:

  1. Should guns be permitted in College Campuses?
  2. Citizens under the age of 21 shouldn’t be allowed to carry guns.
  3. Should the Government allow the common citizens to have guns?